Streamlining AI with AWS Lambda and Bedrock: A Practical Guide Using AWS CDK

In the realm of cloud computing, integrating AI with serverless architecture is a game-changer, and AWS makes it surprisingly straightforward. Let’s dive into how effortlessly we can set up an AWS Lambda function using the AWS CDK to interact with AWS Bedrock, bringing the power of AI into our serverless applications.

Simplicity of AWS Lambda and Bedrock Integration

AWS Lambda is a beacon of simplicity for serverless computing. It shines even brighter when paired with AWS Bedrock, AWS’s foray into AI models. The interaction between Lambda and Bedrock models is where the real magic happens, and it’s remarkably easy to set up.

The AWS CDK: Your Infrastructure, Effortlessly Coded

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) is the unsung hero here, turning what could be a complex task into a few lines of code. It allows us to define cloud resources in familiar programming languages, making the process intuitive and efficient.

Crafting the Lambda Function

The heart of our setup is the Lambda function, written in TypeScript for robustness and maintainability. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Initialization: We create a NodejsFunction in the AWS CDK, specifying runtime, handler, and entry point to our TypeScript file.
  2. IAM Role: An IAM role is automatically assigned, allowing the Lambda to invoke Bedrock models.
  3. Environment: Set up the environment to point to the desired AWS region.

Integrating HTTP API

We add an HTTP API to our stack:

  1. Defining the API: Using AWS CDK, we set up an HTTP API that listens for POST requests.
  2. Linking Lambda: The API is connected to our Lambda using the HttpLambdaIntegration.
  3. Route Configuration: We configure the API route to trigger our Lambda function, allowing it to receive and process JSON payloads containing prompts.

Interacting with AWS Bedrock

Inside the Lambda function:

  1. Extract Prompt: We parse the incoming JSON to extract the prompt.
  2. Invoke Bedrock Model: Using the Bedrock SDK, the function invokes an AI model, sending the prompt for processing.
  3. Process and Respond: The model’s response is processed and sent back via the HTTP API.

Deployment Made Easy

Deploying this stack is a matter of running cdk deploy. The CDK scripts handle provisioning of resources and permissions, making the process seamless.


Once the lambda has been provisioned the http can be invoked via http request

Conclusion: AI Integration Made Accessible

What stands out here is the ease with which AWS CDK allows us to integrate AWS Lambda with Bedrock, bridging serverless computing with AI. This setup is not just about running code; it’s about creating intelligent, responsive applications with minimal hassle. With AWS CDK, you’re not just building; you’re innovating at the speed of thought.

Code found here